1) Proteins 2) Peptides 3) Vitamins 4) Amino Acids
2. All enzymes are-
1) Proteins 2) Proteins except few
3) Polymers of Amino acids 4) Polymers of Proteins
3. Digestive enzymes are present in-
1) Lysosomes 2) Nucleus
3) Chloroplast 4) Chloroplast and Mitochondria
4. Ribozyme is a polymer of-
1) Ribonucleotides 2) Amino Acids
3) Carbohydrates 4) RNA
5. Buchner discovered-
1) Yeast 2) Enzyme inside Yeast
3) Zymas activity 4) Zymas activity outside the cell
6. Enzymes are produced-
1) inside the cells
2) inside the cells and transported to the site of action
3) at a particular place in the plant like hormones
4) mostly they are produced outside the cell
7. Assertion (A): Enzymes are macromolecules.
Reason (R): They are polymers of building blocks of proteins.
1) A and R are correct R explains A
2) A and R are correct R do not explains A
3) A is correct & R is false
4) A is false & R is correct
5) A & R are false
8. Indentify the odd one among the following-
1) Ribozyme 2) Renin 3) Trypsin 4) Pepsin
9. Identify the isozyme from the following
1) Alcoholic dehydrogenase
2) Glyceraldehyde - 3 - phosphate dehydrogenase
3) Lactic acid dehydrogenase
4) Malic dehydrogenase
5) 3 & 4
10. First enzyme which was isolated and crystallised is-
1) Zymase 2) Urease 3) Amylase 3) Pepsin
11. The Organic co-factor that is loosely bound to protein part of the enzyme is
1) Co-factor 2) Co-enzyme
3) Apoenzyme 4) Prosthetic group
12. The protein part of the simple enzyme-
1) Apoenzyme 2) Co-enzyme
3) Constitutes entire enzyme 4) Prosthetic group
13. Holoenzyme consists-
1) Apoenzyme + Co-factor 2) Apoenzyme + Co-enzyme
3) Apoenzyme + Prosthetic group 4) 2 Simple enzymes
14. At higher temperatures-
1) enzymes become inactive 2) enzymes loose their activity
3) enzymes become solid 4) enzymes urdergo denaturation
15. The term enzyme was coined by-
1) Kuhne 2) Kutzz 3) Buchner 4) Louis Pasteur
16. Protein nature of the enzyme idea came from the following-
1) Buchners Zymase 2) Sumners Urease
3) Northrops Pepsin 4) Cech and Altman's Ribozyme
17. Enzymes are sensitive to-
1) Rain fall 2) Light
3) Change in pH 4) Change in Wind direction
18. The enzymes of dry seeds in storage-
1) Show denaturation 2) Inactive
3) Active 4) Killed due to loss of water
19. Most of the cellular enzymes are present in-
1) Cytoplasm 2) Nucleus
3) Lysosomes 4) Mitochondria & Chloroplast
20. Enzyme (E) When bound by Inhibitor (I)
1) E + I → EI + P 2) E + I + S → EI + S + P
3) E + I + S → EI + S 4) E + I + S → ES + I + P
21. Enzyme, substrate and Inhibitor are united together during-
1) Competitive inhibiton 2) Non - Competitive inhibition
3) Allosteric modulation 4) Feed-back inhibition
22. Physical nature of the enzymes is-
1) Polyphasic colloidal 2) Colloidal
3) Hydrophilic Colloidal 4) Lipophilic Colloidal
23. Conversion of 3 - Phosphoglyceric acid to 2 - Phosphoglyceric acid occurs in
the presence of-
1) Isozyme 2) Isomerase 3) Isoenzyme 4) Enzyme
24. The following enzyme is useful in making the fruit soft, when ripen-
1) Sucrase 2) Pectase 3) Lipase 4) Maltase
25. An enzyme reduces-
1) Substrate 2) Reaction energy
3) Activation energy 4) Products
26. The enzyme that is active during germination of Pulses is-
1) Amylase 2) Lipase 3) Pectase 4) Pepsin
27. Co-enzymes are derived from-
1) Water soluble proteins 2) Water soluble vitamins
3) Metalic cations 4) Metalic anions
28. FAD in Conjugate enzymes is-
1) Tightly bound to Apoenzyme
2) Loosely bound to Apoenzyme
3) Tightly or loosely bound to Apoenzyme
4) Never bound to Apoenzyme
29. Co A consists-
1) Niacin 2) Thiamine
3) Pyridoxine 4) Pantothemic acid
30. Expand IUB
1) Indian Union of Biology
2) International Union of Biochemistry
3) International Union of Biology
4) Indian Union of Biochemistry
31. Turn over number indicates-
1) Number of molecules of the substrate participated
2) Number of substrate molecules converted into product
3) Number of products formed from the substrate
4) Number of enzyme molecules participated
32. The poisonous substance that makes the enzyme inactive permanently is called-
1) Non - Competitive inhibitor 2) Competitive inhibitor
3) Allosteric inhibitor 4) Feed back inhibitor
33. Maximum and minimum numbers in the second number of enzyme code-
1) 1 & 7 2) 6 & 1 3) 4 & 13 4) 13 & 4
34. Match the following
List - I List - II
I. Cu A) Dinitrogenase
II. Zn B) Cytochrome Coxidase
III. Mo C) Pollen germination
IV. B D) Translocation of sugars
E) Carbonic anhydrase
The correct matching is
1) A D B C 2) B E A C
3) E C A D 4) B E C D
35. Assertion (A): Enzymes are thermolabile
Reason (R): Enzymes are proteins
1) A and R are correct R explains A
2) A and R are correct R do not explains A
3) A is correct & R is false
4) A is false & R is correct
5) A & R are false
36. The active site of the enzyme has-
1) All the amino acids of that enzyme
2) Most of the amino acids of that enzyme
3) Metallic part of the enzyme
4) Very few amino acids of the enzyme
37. Lock and key hypothesis explains-
1) The colloidal nature of the enzyme
2) Specificity of the enzyme
3) Proteinaceous nature of the enzyme
4) Enzymes are macromolecules
38. In Koshland's theory-
1) Entire enzyme changes according to the structure of the substrate
2) Entire substrate undergoes change according
3) Active site of the enzyme shows little change to adjust the substrate
4) Substrate undergoes little change to adjust in the active site
39. Assertion (A) : Enzymes are universal.
Reason: (R): Enzymes are seen in plants and animals
1) A and R are correct R explains A
2) A and R are correct R do not explains A
3) A is correct & R is false
4) A is false & R is correct
5) A & R are false
40. Assertion (A): Change in pH alters the action of enzyme.
Reason (R): Enzymes are proteins.
1) A and R are correct R explains A
2) A and R are correct R do not explains A
3) A is correct & R is false
4) A is false & R is correct
5) A & R are false
41. Assertion (A): Conjugate enzymes have no protein part.
Reason (R): Apoenzyme is made of chain of Amino acid.
1) A and R are correct R explains A
2) A and R are correct R do not explains A
3) A is correct & R is false
4) A is false & R is correct
5) A & R are false
42. Assertion (A): Ribozyme is a chain of nucleotides.
Reason (R): It has catalytic property.
1) A and R are correct R explains A
2) A and R are correct R do not explains A
3) A is correct & R is false
4) A is false & R is correct
5) A & R are false
43. Pepsin shows the following characters-
1) It was first crystallised by Northrop
2) Action is maximum at pH2
3) It do not abides by the rules of nomenclature
4) All
44. The major class of enzymes concerned with formation of double bonds
1) Ligases 2) Lyases 3) Hydrolases 4) Isomerases
45. Read the following statements and choose the wrong one.
1) TON is same to all enzymes
2) Chemically all enzymes are proteins
3) Enzymes reduce Gibb's free energy of activation
4) Loosely attached organic co-factor is called co-enzyme
46. The name of the enzyme with as enzyme code-
1) Glucose - 6 - Phosphatase 2) Hexose - 6 - Phosphatase
3) Glucose - 6 - Phosphotransferase 4) Glucose - 6 - Phosphoisomerase
47. Michaelis Menton constant (KM) is Vmax
1) Q = 10 2) Q10 = 2 3) Q2 = 10 4) 2
48. The basics about enzymes were first written in the form of an essay by-
1) J.B.S. Haldame 2) Huxley 3) Buchner 4) Sumner
49. The products formed after the active of lipase on fats-
1) Fatty acids 2) Fatty acids + Amino acids
3) Glycerol + Fatty acids 4) Amino acids
50. Activation energy makes the following-
1) Products 2) Products + Enzymes
3) Enzyme + Substrate transition state 4) Enzyme + Substrate + Products
51. ATP is required for
1) Hydrolases 2) Lyases 3) Ligases 4) Isomerases
52. Arginosuccinase is an example for-
1) Lyases 2) Ligases 3) Transferases 4) Insomerases
53. Match the following
List - I List - II
I. Zn A) NAD
II. Niacin B) IAA oxidase
III. Haem C) Carboxy Peptidase
IV. Mn D) Catalase
The Correct matching is
1) C A B E 2) C E D B
3) C A B D 4) C B A E
54. Hydrolases require-
1) ATP 2) ATP & H2O 3) H2O 4) ATP + O2
55. Glucose forms lactic acid-
1) In aerobic conditions
2) In anaerobic condition
3) In anaerobic conditions, in human muscles
4) In fermentation
56. Assertion (A): Water becomes ice.
Reason (R): It is a chemical reaction but do not requires enzyme.
1) A and R are correct R explains A
2) A and R are correct R do not explains A
3) A is correct & R is false
4) A is false & R is correct
5) A & R are false
57. Enzymes are proteins with-
1) Primary structure 2) 2 - D structure with active sites
3) 3 - D structure 4) 3 - D structure which include active sites
58. The following sequence of events are observed when enzyme acts on the substrate-
1) E + S → P
2) S + E → SE complex → P
3) S + E → SE complex → P + E
4) S + E → SE complex → EP complex → P + E
59. Hydrolases catalyse the hydrolysis of the following bonds except
1) C - C 2) C - O 3) P - N 4) C - halide
60. Ligases catalyse the linking of the following except
1) C - S 2) C - N 3) P - O 4) C - C
61. Common between prosthetic group and co-enzymes-
1) Both are organic co-factors
2) Both are non-protein part of conjugate enzyme
3) Both are proteinaceous
4) Both are attached to Apoenzyme similarly
62. Metal ion of the conjugate enzyme1)
Forms co-ordination bonds with active site of the enzyme.
2) Forms co-ordination bonds with active site of the enzyme and substrate also.
3) Forms co-ordination bonds with substrate only.
4) Forms more co-ordination bonds with substrate
63. One of the following is an inducible enzyme
1) LDH 2) Nitrate reductase
3) Isomerases 4) B - Galactosidase
64. Match the following
List - I List - II
I. TPP A) B6
II. PP B) Hens Egg white
IV. Lysozyme D) Vitamin B2
The correct matching is
1) D B C A 2) A C B D
3) C A D B 4) B D A C
65. Enzymes catalyse-
1) Physical reactions
2) Thermodynamically possible reactions
3) All Biophysical reactions
4) All Chemical reactions
66. Lysozyme was discovered by-
1) Phillips 2) Buchner 3) Sumner 4) Cech & Altman
67. Co-factor for the fastest enzyme-
1) Mg 2) Mn 3) Zn 4) Cu
68. Assertion (A): Enzymes have large surface area.
Reason (R): They are hydrophilic colloids
1) A and R are correct R explains A
2) A and R are correct R do not explains A
3) A is correct & R is false
4) A is false & R is correct
5) A & R are false
69. Assertion (A): Enzymes are heat sensitive.
Reason (R): They are colloids.
1) A and R are correct R explains A
2) A and R are correct R do not explains A
3) A is correct & R is false
4) A is false & R is correct
5) A & R are false
70. The enzymes concerned with transfer of phosphate is-
1) Kinases 2) Phosphotases
3) Phosphorylases 4) Peptidases
71. Which one of the following is the best evidence for template theory of enzyme
1) Compounds similar to substrate structure inhibit the reaction.
2) Enzymes speed up the reaction by definite amount.
3) Enzymes determine the direction of a reaction.
4) Enzymes are thermolabile.
72. In the presence of enzyme, activation energy makes the substrate as follows-
1) S + E complex 2) P + E
3) Products only 4) S + E + P
73. TON do not requires the following data-
1) Molecular weight of the enzyme
2) No. of substrate molecules converted
3) Time taken to form products
4) No. of enzyme molecules participated
74. Cyanide can form-
1) Competitive inhibitor 2) Non Competitive inhibitor
3) Feedback inhibitor 4) All
75. Select false statement.
1) Action of the enzyme is highly specific.
2) Enzymes show maximum action at optimum pH and temperature.
3) Some enzymes are made of lipids.
4) Enzymes are denatured at higher temperature.
1-4; 2-2; 3-1; 4-1; 5-4; 6-1; 7-1; 8-1; 9-5; 10-2; 11-2; 12-3; 13-1; 14-4; 15-1; 16-2; 17-3; 18-2; 19-4; 20-3; 21-2; 22-3; 23-2; 24-2; 25-3; 26-4; 27-2; 28-3; 29-4; 30-2; 31-2; 32-1; 33-4; 34-2; 35-1; 36-4; 37-2; 38-3; 39-2; 40-1;41-3; 42-2; 43-4; 44-2; 45-1; 46-3; 47-4; 48-1; 49-3; 50-3; 51-3; 52-1; 53-2; 54-3; 55-3; 56-3; 57-4; 58-4;
59-2; 60-4; 61-1; 62-2; 63-4; 64-3; 65-2; 66-1; 67-3; 68-2; 69-1; 70-2; 71-1; 72-1; 73-1; 74-2; 75-3.
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