March 23, 2014

EAMCET Botany Multiple Choice Questions with Answers

Here are objective type questions from Botany for EAMCET entrance test in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. The questions are from Botany ans also prepared as per the new syllabus. Questions from 1-50 are available in the previous posts.

51. Match the following modification
I. Needle like A. Euphorbia
II. Flattend B. Asparagus
III. Cylindrical C. Casurina
IV. Branch of Limitted growth D. Opuntia
1) B A C D 2) C B D A
3) C D A B 4) A C D B

52. Thorns are present in
1) Citrus 2) Bougainvillea 3) Opuntia 4) 1 & 2

53. phylloclades are seen in the plants growing in-
1) Arid regions 2) Swampy areas
3) Water 4) Shady, moist area

54. Match the following parts useful in veg reproduction
I. Agave A. Underground stem
II. Diascorea B. Floral bud
III. Grasses C. Lateral Slender branch
IV. Nerium D. Vegetative bud
1) B C A D 2) D B C A
3) B D A C 4) B A C D

55. Stem is discoid in
1) Allium 2) Pistia 3) Eichornea 4) All

56. Find out correct pair regarding stem modifications
1) Strawberry - Jasmine 2) Grasses - Nerium
3) Pistia - Oxalis 4) Grasses - Strawberry

57. Find out incorrect match regarding stem modifications for vegetative
1) Oxalis, Grasses, Strawberry 2) Pineapple, Chrysanthemum, Banana
3) Pistia, Eichornea, Oxalis 4) Nerium, Jasmine

58. Rosette leaves are present in
1) Pistia, Grasses 2) Eichornea, Nerium
3) Eichornea, Pistia 4) Banana, Pineapple

59. Underground stems are useful in vegetaive reproduction when older parts die
1) Grasses, Strawberry 2) Nerium, Jasmine
3) Oxalis, Grasses 4) Strawberry, Oxalis

60. Balancing roots are present in
1) Runner 2) offset 3) Sucker 4) Stolon

61. A lateral branch of one internode length and useful in vegetative reproduction is
1) Runner 2) Offset 3) Sucker 4) Stolon

62. A lateral branch grows obliquely down words and upwards respectively in the
following pair of plants and useful in vegetative reproduction
1) Strawberry, Nerium 2) Jasmine, Banana
3) Pineapple, Jasmine 4) Pineapple, Banana

63. Tap root system and adventitious root system are present in respectively
1) Nerium, Chrysanthemum 2) Pistia
3) Nerium, Eichornea 4) Pistia, Eichornea

64. Stem is spongy, petiole is swollen and balancing roots with root pocket are seen
1) pistia 2) Eichornea
3) Pistia, Eichornea 4) Nepenthes

65. Axillary bud is modified into bulbil in
1) Drosera 2) Dionea 3) Agave 4) Diascorea

66. Lateral organ of the plant
1) leaf 2) flower 3) bud 4) All

67. Petiole is swollen in
1) Legumes 2) Eichornea 3) Pistia 4) Agave

68. Pulvinus leaf base is seen in
1) Grasses 2) Dicots 3) Monocots 4) Legumes

69. The incisions of the lamina are called
1) Leaf 2) lobes 3) Leaflets 4) 2 or 3

70. Common character between simple and compound leaf is the presence of
1) Terminal bud 2) petiole 3) Axillary bud 4) None

71. Rachis is absent in
1) Simple leaf 2) Palmately compound leaf
3) Pinnately compound leaf 4) 1 & 2

72. If the leaflets are attached at one common point the leaf is-
1) Simple 2) Compound
3) Pinnately compound 4) Palmately Compound

73. If the incisions of the lamina donot touch mid rib, the leaf is
1) Simple 2) Simple lobed
3) Palmately Compound 4) Pinnately Compound

74. The type of leaf in Bombax ceiba is
1) Simple leaf 2) Palmate compound
3) Pinnate Compound 4) Scale leaf

75. Match the following Phyllotaxy with suitable example-
I. Alstonia A. Neither Alternate nor opposite
II. Hibiscus B. as in Guava
III. Calotropis C. Whorled
IV. Nerium D. Alternate
1) A D C B 2) C D B A
3) B C A D 4) D C B A

76. Number of leaves present at each node in Alstonia.
1) 3 2) 1 3) 2 4) More than 2

77. A Modified leaf in Nepenthes is concerned with the following functions
A) Photosynthesis B) Climbing
C) Fulfils N2 requirement
1) ABC 2) C Only 3) BC 4) AC

78. Citrus shows
1) Thorns 2) spines 3) Scale leaves 4) 1 & 2

Answers: 51-3; 52-4; 53-1; 54-3; 55-4; 56-4; 57-3; 58-3; 59-1; 60-2; 61-2; 62-2; 63-1; 64-2; 65-4; 66-1; 67-2; 68-4; 69-4; 70-3; 71-4; 72-4; 73-2; 74-2; 75-2; 76-4; 77-1; 78-2.

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