December 16, 2015

IPE Junior Inter Botany Important Questions - 4 Marks from Taxonomy

Q: Describe the essential floral parts of plants belonging to Liliaceae.
A: Androecium and gynoecium are the essential floral parts. In Liliaceae the androecium
and gynoecium show the following features:

Androecium: six stamens in two whorls of three each, free or epiphyllous (attached to
tepals), anthers are dithecous, basifixed, introrse and show longitudinal dehiscence.

Gynoecium: Tricarpellary, syncarpous, ovary superior, trilocular with ovules on
axile placentation. Style is terminal, stigma trifid or capitate.

Q: Write a brief account on the class of Dicotyledonae of Bentham and Hooker's
A: Bentham and Hooker divided flowering plants into three classes:
Gymnospermae and

Dicotyledonae: The class dicotyledonae is divided into three subclasses based on the
number of perianth whorls and their union. They are: Polypetalae, Gamopetalae and,

The sub class polypetalae is divided into three series:
Thalamiflorae with 6 cohorts (orders)
Disciflorae (with 4 cohorts)
Calyciflorae (5 cohorts)

The subclass gamopetalae is divided into three series:
Inferae (3 cohorts)
Heteromerae (3 cohorts) and
Bicarpellatae (4 cohorts)

The sub class monochlamydae is divided into 8 series (not divided into cohorts).
Each cohort is further divided into natural orders (families). The dicotyledonae contains 165 natural orders.

Q: Give economic importance of plants belonging to Fabaceae.
A: Economic importance of Fabaceae: The plants are a good source of proteins (pulses).
Ex: Cajanus, Cicer
Pods of beans are used as vegetables. Ex: Phaseolus
Edible oil is obtained from soya bean and groundnut. Ex: Arachis
Timber is produced by rose wood. Ex: Dalbergia
Blue dye from Indigofera and yellow dye from Butea are obtained.
Derris is used in medicine.
Crotalaria, Phaseolus are used as fodder.
Sesbania and Tephrosia are used as green manure.

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