Khaja Hasafulla of Nizamabad district has secured top rank in MPC group of Intermediate second year results 2013 announced on 26th April. Following are brief details of Khaja Hasafulla. His father is a civil engineer and settled in Nanded. Mother is an housewife. Parents names are Salim Jahan and Khaja Arifulla.
Khaja Hasafulla has studied Intermediate in Kakatiya Junior College. He has completed till 7th Class in Nanded. He continued education from 8th class in Kakatiya College. He had secured 554 marks in 10th class two years back.
He has secured 467 marks in first year Intermediate and 994 marks in senior Inter. He advised the students to stick to the text books and thoroughly prepare all the topics from the prescribed text books.
He studied at least 8 hours each day. He said that advice of his teachers helped him in securing good marks in Intermediate. His aim is to become a good engineer through pursuing Engineering education.
He has secured 467 marks in first year Intermediate and 994 marks in senior Inter. He advised the students to stick to the text books and thoroughly prepare all the topics from the prescribed text books.
He studied at least 8 hours each day. He said that advice of his teachers helped him in securing good marks in Intermediate. His aim is to become a good engineer through pursuing Engineering education.
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