Ans: Population Policy - 2000
To control population growth, the govt. of India has announced a policy on population
in the year 2000 to stabilize the population by 2045.
Main features:
1. Reduce MMR to below 100 per 1 lakh live births
2. Reduce IMR to below 30 per 1 thousand live births
3. Universal immunisation against all preventable diseases
4. To achieve 100 percent safe deliveries in hospitals
5. Access to information regarding AIDS, prevention and control of communicable
6. Incentives to adopt two-child small family norms
7. Strict enforcement of child marriage restraint act
8. Raising the age of marriage for girls not earlier than 18 years and for boys 20
9. Special reward for women who marry after 21 years and apted birth control
methods after 2 children
10. Health insurance coverage for BPL families who undergo sterilization after
having 2 children.
Question: Explain the Occupational Distribution of population in India.
Answer: It refers to the number or ratio of workforce participation among various occupations in the country. Occupations are classified into three categories. They are
Primary Sector / Occupations: Agriculture, forestry, fishing, animal husbandry, poultry, plantation etc. are collectively known as primary occupations. At present 56.7 per cent in India and 64.6 per cent of labour force is engaged in A.P. in this occupations.
Secondary Occupations: Activities related to manufacturing industries including small scale, cottage, medium and large scale industries are collectively known as secondary occupations.
17.6 per cent in India and 13 per cent of labour force engaged in A.P. in this occupations.
Tertiary Occupations: Trade, transport, communication, banking, education, health and other services are collectively known as tertiary occupations. 25.7 percent in India and 22.4 per cent
of labour force engaged in A.P. in this occupations.
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