1. Explain the theory of demographic transition.
Ans: Development of any country depends on the quantity and quality of human resources i.e. population. There are two important theories on population. They are demographic transition theory and optimum theory of population.
The Theory of Demographic Transition: The theory of demographic transition explains the relationship between birth rates, death rates and economic development. It was explained by T.R. Malthus. According to this theory, every country passes through three stages of demographic transition. They are:
First Stage: This stage is characterized by high birth rates and death rates. Poor diet, absence of medical facilities, social beliefs etc. are the reasons for it. Hence the population is more or less stable. This stage was prevailed in India before 1921.
Second Stage: This stage is characterised by high birth rates and low death rates, hence there is a rapid growth of population. Improvement in the standard of living, diet condition, medical facilities etc reduce death rates and low level education, social backwardness etc. results in high birth rates. This stage was prevailing in India since 1921.
Third Stage: In this stage the death and birth rates were controlled due to the development
of economy. Hence the population is optimum level. Many developed countries
are in this stage.
2. What are the reasons for population explosion in India? List out measures.
Ans: Population of India As on 2011, November 1 total population of India is 121 crores. It is 17 per cent of world population with 2.4 per cent share of land area of the world. According to 2011 census, the sex ratio is 940 : 1000 and density of population is 382 persons per square km in India. India's population growth rate was rapidly increased after 1921. So 1921 is known as great dividing year of population.
Population Explosion in India
When birth rates exceeds death rates during a particular period of time is called population explosion. Now India is suffering with population explosion. High birth rates and low death rates are the reason for it.
Causes for Low Death Rates: Eradication of famines: After independence, government of India controlled famines and droughts through various policies and minimised mortality rate.
Control of epidemics: The epidemics such as Malaria, Cholera, Small fox etc. were controlled and reduced the death rates.
Other Factors: Improvement in standard of living, safe drinking water, education, expanded medical facilities etc. reduced the mortality rate.
Causes for High Birth Rates: Predominance of agriculture: In an agrarian economy, even every child of the family considered as labour, they wish to have more children.
Slow Urbanisation: The process of urbanisation in slow in India and it has failed to generate social forces which control birth rates and promote small families.
Universality of marriage: Marriage is both a religious and social necessity in India. It leads to high birth rates.
Early marriage: Women in India are getting marriage at quite young age. It prolongs the child bearing period.
Religious and social beliefs: Most of Indians desire to have more children as a social and religious belief even they do not have economic power. They treat every child as a god gift.
Joint family system: In a joint family system, the total economic burden carried by earning members only and not by young couples. They get children even they have no financial capacity.
Measures to control population explosion:
1. Expansion of industrial sector
2. Removal of poverty
3. Development of education
4. Improving women status
5. Raising minimum age of marriage
6. Family planning programmes
7. Incentives and disincentives
8. Establishment of family planning centres etc.
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