January 11, 2014

10th Class Social Economics Imp Questions for 2 Marks

Following are important questions for 10th Class / SSC Social Studies - Economics of Andhra Pradesh Board of Secondary Education. These questions will be asked for 2 marks.

1. Explain the relationship between farm size and production in the Indian agriculture?
2. Write about the main objectives of Eighth five year plan?
3. What is the role of monsoons in Indian agriculture? Indian agriculture is a gamble of monsoon. Explain.
4. What is earned income and unearned income?
5. Write about Human Development Index? Who advocated this concept?
6. Why were three annual plans introduced from 1966?
7. What is meant by urbanisation?
8. What are the types of 'Structure of Industry'?
9. Explain various programmes launched by the government for promotion of employment?
10. What is economic planning?
11. What is organised & unorganised sector?
12. What was economic drain?
13. Write about the planning commission?
14. What is foreign sector? Give Examples.
15. What are basic industries & capital goods industries? Give examples for each.
16. Explain the following in brief)
a) Structure of Industry based on type of ownership.
b) Structure of Industry based on size of investment.
c) Structure of Industry based on type of output.
17. What are intermediate & consumer (final) goods? Give examples for both.
18. Whether the objectives of five year plans have been in the tune with our national needs?

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