January 14, 2014

Senior Inter Botany Section - I Marks Scoring Tips

This section comprises different types of very short answer type questions which do not require diagrams.
The type of questions may be as: The question may contain a single part or may comprise to two split
parts. It is important to write the answers to both the parts of a question separately in separate lines.
Ex: What is EcoRI? How does it function?
Ans. EcoRI is a kind of restriction endonuclease enzyme that comes from Escherichia coli RY 13 bacteria.
It cuts the DNA at particular points hence used in genetic Engineering.

Definitions: Complete definition should be written duly underlining the key words. If there is more than one definition it is better to write two definitions also.
Ex: Define water potential. What is the value of water potential of pure water?
Ans. The free energy of water in a system is called its water potential. Or
The kinetic energy of water in its pure state or in a system may be defined as its water potential.
Water potential is a relative term used to compare the difference between the chemical potential of water in a solution and the chemical potential of pure water.
The water potential of pure water is ‘0’.

Differences: Some questions may be asked to compare and contrast two aspects. It is necessary to draw a table and list out at least two differences to score two marks. Examples may be quoted.
Ex: 1. Compare Diffusion and Osmosis.

Examples: If examples of plants are asked it is better to write the botanical names as well as common names.
Q. Name two fruits with a single seed.
Ans. Oryza sativa (rice) and
Tridax procumbens
Applications: In such questions the answer may be written in two or three sentences in separate lines as bullet points.
Ex: What is the function of codon AUG?.
Ans. 1. The codon AUG acts as initiating codon to initiate the process of translation.
2. It also codes for the amino acid methionine.

Application of ploidy in different cells of different plants or organisms.
Such questions require a thorough knowledge of the life cycles, meiosis,
fertilization, ploidy of different parts etc.
Q. Identify each part in a flowering plant and write whether it is haploid
(n) or diploid (2n).
a. Ovary b. Anther c. Egg d. pollen
Ans. Ovary – 2n
Anther – 2n
Egg - n
Pollen – n
(Note: Each answer will be awarded half mark)

Another example for such questions is
Q. Mention the ploidy of any four of the following:
a. Protonemal cell of a moss
b. Primary endosperm nucleus in a dicot
c. Leaf cell of a moss
d. Prothallus of a fern
e. Gemma cell in Marchantia
f. Meristem cell of monocot
g. Ovum of a liver wort and
h. Zygote of a fern
As there is no choice in section-I, one has to master over all the questions given at the end of each chapter and also solve the exercises for better understanding of the subject.

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