October 2, 2015

Andhra Pradesh local status to migrant students and employees - 2015

The Government of Andhra Pradesh has announced that the nativity of the students and others who migrates from Telangana will be decided by the Government of AP. The cabinet has taken a decision announcing 2nd June 2017 as the date for applying the local status to students / employees / others.

According to the latest decision, the students, job aspirants and employees who migrates from Telangana / Hyderabad to Andhra Pradesh on or before 2nd June 2017 will be considered as local.

They will be treated on par with the local / native students of the Andhra Pradesh in education and employment opportunities. The cabinet opined that this does not require amendment to the constitution of India.

The nativity / local status issue being raised by the Government employees of Andhra Pradesh serving from Hyderabad / Telangana for quite some time. The Government of AP has taken the decision to satisfy the employees and encourage them to migrate to AP for the functioning of administration.

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